Author: Staff Writer

MONROVIA, Liberia—Since taking office five months ago, President Joseph Boakai has focused on his 100-day deliverables, with a significant emphasis on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). Experts highlight WASH as vital for the safety, health, and overall well-being of Liberia’s citizens. Among Boakai’s key commitments were plans to “connect 250 households to the public water supply network” and to “purchase necessary quantities of chemicals for maintaining clean water supplies.” Additionally, he promised the deployment of “sewage desludging trucks with rodding equipment and appropriately trained staff.” Anthony Myers, Deputy Finance Minister for Fiscal Affairs, reported substantial progress, stating at a recent…

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Monrovia, Liberia — Last week, Martin Kollie tendered his resignation from President Joseph Boakai’s Asset Recovery Team, citing concerns over the President’s susceptibility to influence from individuals who did not contribute to his election victory. Kollie, a key figure in Boakai’s ascent to power, has publicly severed ties with the administration, criticizing the regime on Spoon FM and declaring his departure from Boakai’s metaphorical “rescue train.” However, insider sources suggest that Kollie’s departure may be driven by personal ambitions rather than principled objections. According to these sources, Kollie had his eyes set on representing Liberia at the International Maritime Organization…

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Monrovia, June 14, 2024 – The Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism (MICAT) has firmly dismissed circulating reports suggesting that former Chief Justice Gloria Musu-Scott, currently incarcerated, has been granted compassionate leave. These rumors, MICAT asserts, are unfounded and counterproductive. Former Chief Justice Gloria Musu-Scott, once a respected figure in Liberia’s judiciary, has been embroiled in a tragic and highly publicized legal case. Musu-Scott, along with three family members, was sentenced to life imprisonment for the brutal murder of her niece, Chaloe Musu. The case has captivated public attention, casting a shadow over the former Chief Justice’s illustrious career.…

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Monrovia, June 14, 2024 – In a significant move to safeguard Liberia’s staple food supply, President Joseph Boakai inaugurated the Rice Committee, charged with ensuring the availability and stability of rice prices on the local market. This initiative is a direct response to recent proposals by rice importers to hike prices, a plan President Boakai promptly halted to protect the economic interests of Liberians. Rice is not merely a dietary staple in Liberia; it is deeply woven into the nation’s history and politics. The critical importance of this commodity was dramatically underscored during the Rice Riots of April 14, 1979.…

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The Ministry of Gender and Social Protection has released alarming statistics revealing that children as young as ten years old are involved in acts of sodomy across the country. Nimba and Bong Counties are reported to have the highest incidences. Addressing the media during the MICAT press briefing on Thursday, June 13, Gender Minister Gbeme Kollie expressed deep concern over the findings. “What may have triggered such deviant behavior, especially involving kids, is a matter of grave concern,” Minister Kollie stated. She emphasized the need for immediate action to address the root causes and protect vulnerable children. The report highlighted…

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The National Disaster Management Agency has issued a grave warning to Liberians, predicting heavy rainfalls in the coming weeks and urging residents to prepare for potentially devastating floods and windstorms. Following a daylong rainfall on Monday that wreaked havoc in Monrovia, Paynesville, and other regions, dozens of residents found themselves grappling with the aftermath of flooding, with some forced to evacuate their homes. Ansu Dorley, Director of the Disaster Management Agency, characterized Monday’s flooding as merely a glimpse of the impending challenges, emphasizing the urgency for communities in disaster-prone areas to take preemptive measures. In a press conference held on…

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President Joseph Nyuma Boakai is poised to enact an executive directive solidifying the creation of the Liberia National Railway Authority (LNRA), an important move aimed at bolstering and regulating the nation’s railway network. The forthcoming decree seeks to leverage Liberia’s crucial railway assets for economic expansion and national progress. “The Government of Liberia possesses several pivotal railway assets integral to our national infrastructure,” asserts the preliminary executive order, reviewed by the Saharaa. Notable among these assets are the Yekepa Railway, spanning from Yekepa in Nimba County through Bong County to the Port of Buchanan in Grand Bassa County; the Bong…

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Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima and nine others have been confirmed dead following a military aircraft crash. The incident occurred on 10 June, 2024, leading to an intense search operation which ultimately ended in confirmation of death for all aboard the plane. Earlier the Malawian military had said that the plane may have crashed in dense forest, but it had not yet been found. According to Reuters, top military official Paul Valentino Phiri had told reporters that search and rescue operations had been hampered by foggy weather around the Chikangawa Forest which was affecting visibility. Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera confirmed the…

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Monrovia, Liberia – Jefferson Tamba Koijee, Secretary General of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), has criticized the Unity Party (UP) government, labeling it as a risky endeavor driven by desperation rather than genuine change. In a bold statement, Koijee expressed concerns over the UP administration’s actions, citing instances of violence and impunity. “The excessive actions of the UP government in its early stages reveal a desperate agenda, not one aimed at improving the lives of struggling Liberians,” remarked Koijee. He highlighted incidents of violence, including the deaths of individuals from Bea Mountain and the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL),…

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The President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, expressed concern over the “illegal operations” of CTN and MedTech at the National Port Authority (NPA), questioning why these companies are operating without approval from the National Legislature. She stated, “This Senate can shutdown MedTech, especially if they are not operating legally and that, the worst thing is, they are not even paying taxes.” Her announcement to potentially shut down these companies garnered applause from fellow senators during the Buchanan retreat. Senators expressed appreciation for her decisive leadership and described the decision as welcome. During the four-day Senate retreat, discussions focused…

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